Racing the Tide

Niveau : 10

Zone : Sanctum

Début : Rion Stantor

Fin : Rion Stantor

Répétable : Quotidien (Quotidien)

 Larme de dragon

Monnaie : 84

XP : 420

Racing the Tide

Win the race by touching the white circular checkpoints in order before the time runs out and without losing your seacap transformation.
  • Lap 1: Checkpoint 1
  • Lap 1: Checkpoint 2
  • Lap 1: Checkpoint 3
  • Lap 1: Checkpoint 4
  • Lap 2: Checkpoint 1
  • Lap 2: Checkpoint 2
  • Lap 2: Checkpoint 3
  • Lap 2: Final Checkpoint


[%NAME], I do not want you to think of me as a stuffy scholar. To address this, I have devised a timed race for you that explores the more entertaining properties of the sanctified motes of Akylios' power. I will temporarily transform you into a seacap, whereupon you will gain its senses and be able to see the race course. Touch the white circle checkpoints in order. Avoid the blue whirlpools, and enjoy the effects of the green and orange circles.


You've won!

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