Undying Shards

Niveau : 24

Zone : Bois du Crépuscule

Début : Fiona Leone

Fin : Fiona Leone

Notoriété :
+300 Gardes-voies du Bois du Crépuscule

Monnaie : 8 57

XP : 2520

Undying Shards

Fiona Leone wants you to travel northwest to the Mathosian Mill and collect Necrotic Fragments from the Shademarked Skeletons found there.


The siltreavers glands are resistant to death magic, and could prove a valuable reagent in protective spells. Further tests require a concentrated sample of death energy. The bones of the dead loggers haunting the old Mathosian Mill would be saturated with this magic.


The risk you took getting those Necrotic Fragments will pay off, I promise you, [%Name]. You have a knack for this sort of work. You wouldn't want to work with me on a more permanent basis, would you? Ah well.

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