Help the Injured - An Outfitter's Skills

Niveau : 15

Zone : Sable-chatoyant

Début : Adept Dinoce

Fin : Adept Dinoce

Répétable : Quotidien (Quotidien)
 Perles en verre

Monnaie : 3 94

XP : 1710

Help the Injured - An Outfitter's Skills

Use the Traveling Outfitter's Kit at the Triage Station in Meridian to turn 5 Ultra-Thin Hides into a Roll of Ultra-Thin Bandages.


Would you mind helping me with the injured? I could really use the skills of an Outfitter. I need one to make a Roll of Ultra-Thin Bandages to help the injured. Do you have the time to make one for us?


Thanks for the Roll of Ultra-Thin Bandages! I'm sure this supply won't last, so come back tomorrow if you want to keep helping me with the injured.

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