The End of Ignorance

Niveau : 50

Zone : Méridian

Début : Jensen Farnsworth

Fin : Jensen Farnsworth
Exécuteur Khazik

Notoriété :
+250 Avant-garde eldritch

Monnaie : 42

XP : 6720

The End of Ignorance

Jensen Farnsworth has asked you to defeat Guardian Soldiers in Port Scion.
  • Defeat Guardian Soldiers


Once we control Port Scion, we can begin to rebuild. We can restore the city to what it was - a shining beacon of knowledge and industry. We cannot allow the Guardian Soldiers to block the path of progress, [%NAME]. They must be destroyed.


Without their soldiers protecting the roads, the Guardians will not be able to stop us from claiming the city. Surely they must begin to realize what we've known all along: Progress is inevitable. Stand in its way and you will be destroyed.

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