Any Port in a Storm

Niveau : 50

Zone : La Bataille pour Port Scion

Fin : Maître de guerre Albrect

Répétable : Quotidien (Quotidien)

 Sacoche de butin des Renégats

Notoriété :
+750 Garde noble

Monnaie : 50 40

XP : 10080

Any Port in a Storm

Defeat the Defiant by securing Port Scion for ourselves.
  • Win a match in Port Scion


Port Scion was once the Jewel of the East, the greatest city of the Mathosian Kingdom, a place of knowledge, magic and art. Before it fell to the machines of the Defaints it was a haven against the rifts. Now it is all but conquered, all but one last district. We need you to establish a foothold in that last remaining district of the city. We need to drive out both the Endless and the Defiant. We need you, [%NAME].


Well done! Port Scion is secured from the grip of both the Endless Court and the Defiant.

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