Moral Chasm

Niveau : 6

Zone : Bois d'Argent

Fin : Catelyn Silera

Notoriété :
+100 Érudits de l'Académie de Vif-Argent

Monnaie : 1 1

XP : 900

Moral Chasm

Collect a Harrowing Talisman from a Guardian Corpse on the bridge called Founder's Threshold and use it to destroy Centurion Osteneer near the bridge's middle.


Centurion Osteneer is the Defiant who destroyed the bridge. His cowardice is only exceeded by Orphiel the Betrayer - he deserves death. Our fallen soldiers on Founder's Threshold carried relics to purge Defiant atrocities. Recover one and use it to smite Osteneer.


Osteneer is dead? This is excellent news, Ascended. We will have many battles against the Defiants at this place in the coming years, but you will be remembered as the hero who won the first.

Talander - Il y a 11 ans
No longer in game.

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