Wash it Away

Niveau : 44

Zone : La Chute de Saillant de Lanterne

Début : Ayra Runefoi

Fin : Ayra Runefoi

Choisissez une de ces récompenses :
 Spallières de vive étoile
 Houppelande en toile légère
 Protège-épaules roussis au soleil
 Espauliers d'éclat solaire

Notoriété :
+750 Main d'arcane

Monnaie : 39 92

XP : 8640

Wash it Away

Ayra Runefaith asks that you kill the Fanatiques renégats within the Fall of Lantern Hook.
  • Kill the Fanatiques renégats


We tried to make a stand against Maelforge here in Lantern Hook, but our forces were slaughtered. As we fell, defiants appeared and began capturing people to be used in some infernal machine. They were mad , claiming their blood would wash the flames away. Please, [%NAME], find these fanatics and kill them.


The world burns around us and still the defiants persist in their lunacy. Thankfully we have you on our side, [%NAME].

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