Evolving Agenda

Niveau : 25

Zone : Sanctum

Début : Gherressa

Fin : Gherressa

Répétable : Quotidien (Quotidien)

 Larme de dragon

Monnaie : Aucune valeur

XP : 3480

Evolving Agenda

Search for a Lesser Dragon Mote in the area marked on your map. Find the rumored Aelfwar Abomination and return with the Mote-Touched Flesh of the beast.


Rumors have surfaced of a ghastly creature from the Plane of Life wreaking havoc on the land. These reports say that it is as hideous in appearance as it is frightening in combat. You would be best advised to assemble a small group, track down this creature, and bring it to a quick end.


The Aelfwar are using the power within the dragon motes to transform themselves into these abominations. With the dragon motes, the cults can create new evils to plague us. You see now why we must keep this power out of their hands.

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