Up the Creek

Niveau : 23

Zone : Bois du Crépuscule

Début : Ral Teralar

Fin : Ral Teralar

Notoriété :
+300 Gardes-voies du Bois du Crépuscule

Monnaie : 7 97

XP : 2430

Up the Creek

Head northeast from Ral Teralar's camp and kill Vipères Écaille-boueuse and Crocs-de-fiel Écaille-boueuse along the river or in the Tearfall catacombs across the creek to the east.
  • Kill Vipères Écaille-boueuse
  • Kill Crocs-de-fiel Écaille-boueuse


I've been wanting to delve into the catacombs across the creek and explore it for items of value, but those blasted siltreavers make it impossible. Perhaps a powerful Ascended such as yourself could clear a path through them so I could explore the area safely.


It will make my life a lot easier having those Vipères Écaille-boueuse and Crocs-de-fiel Écaille-boueuse out of the way. Thank you, [%LORD_LADY] [%NAME].

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