Trouble on the Route

Niveau : 1

Zone : Sable-chatoyant

Début : Stratego Iakale

Fin : Stratego Iakale
 Doublon de pyrite

Monnaie : 12

XP : 450

Trouble on the Route

Stratego Iakale has asked you to travel out to locations along the Dragon Parade routes and kill Guardian Troublemakers.
  • Confront a Guardian Troublemaker
  • Kill 2 Guardian Troublemakers


Greetings, [%NAME]. I hate to bother you during a celebration in your honor, but we could use the help of an Ascended. It seems that Guardian Troublemakers are attacking our Dragon Parades. They say we're taking credit for their triumph over the Dragons, can you believe it? Can you go out to the parade sites and show those Guardians what real strength is?


Thanks for the help, [%NAME]. Now maybe the Guardians will finally admit it's the Defiants who are saving Telara from the Dragons.

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