Abyssal Visions

Niveau : 1

Zone : Méridian

Début : Emaru Chay

Fin : Emaru Chay

Répétable : Quotidien (Quotidien)
 Larme de dragon

Monnaie : Aucune valeur

XP : 300

Abyssal Visions

Use the Abyssal Spyglass on an Enlightened Citizen, Trainee, and Artist in Meridian to conjure Abyssal visions.
  • Use the Abyssal Spyglass on an Enlightened Citizen
  • Use the Abyssal Spyglass on an Enlightened Trainee
  • Use the Abyssal Spyglass on an Enlightened Artist


We need to know more about the Abyssal cult's plans. Normally, it is not safe to look directly into the Plane of Water. The unfiltered madness would consume an ordinary citizen - and possibly even harm an Ascended. That's why I'd like you to use this Abyssal Spyglass to conjure Abyssal visions through enlightened people who have proven their resistance to the insanity. Enlightened Citizens, Trainees, and Artists should remain unharmed.


This is good information, [%NAME]. It seems like the Abyssal are in a state of disarray based on what you've seen. Deeps and I will study your observations and see if we need your assistance again tomorrow.

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