Memento Mori

Уровень : 60

Зоны : Залив Бурь

Начинает : Queen Miela Aurentis

Заканчивает : Agent Ronan

Выберите одну из следующих наград :
 Wind Walker's Cleaver
 Wind Walker's Stiletto
 Wind Walker's Spellblade
 Wind Walker's Scepter

Вы также получите :
 Буревой грифон
 Вечное кристальное прозрение

Изменения репутации :
+750 Ледяной дозор
+480 Эмпирейский Альянс

Деньги : 1 4 11

Опыт : 154791

Memento Mori

Enter and complete the events in the chronicle A Hero Rises.
  • Enter and complete the events in the chronicle A Hero Rises
  • Meet with Agent Ronan at the Haunted Terminal in Tempest Bay


Agent Ronan apologizes that he could not meet you here after your returning from Stormhold, but he had other duties to attend to first. He asks that you meet him down in the Bazaar at your earliest convenience. And thank you once again, [%NAME]. You have done me greater service than you could ever know.


I... I cannot believe that Queen Miela was under the sway of the Storm Queen all along. I thought we were keeping a doomsday weapon out of the hands of Regulos, but it is now clear we stole it from Regulos and delivered it into the hands of Crucia herself! If Queen Miela could be so swayed, what hope do the rest of us have? I am sorry for my part in dragging you into this. Farewell, [%NAME].

Xarou - 8 лет назад
Previous Storm Cipher Next: End of the quest chain, gives achievement Somebody Set Us Up The Bomb

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