Release the Hounds

Уровень : 60

Зоны : Морбан

Начинает : Agent Ronan

Заканчивает : Queen Miela Aurentis

 Вечное кристальное прозрение

Изменения репутации :
+750 Ледяной дозор
+480 Эмпирейский Альянс

Деньги : 1 4 11

Опыт : 154791

Release the Hounds

Agent Ronan wants you to search for a Coded Missive from a Planarch within a Great Hunt rift.


Well, without some kind of instruction manual, all we have here is a pile of parts. That might seem like enough to foil Regulos's plot, but Queen Miela still wants to know how exactly this foul device was supposed to work. Luckily, if there is one thing I have learned from the Torvan Hunters it is that the Planarchs are a gossipy lot. One of them must know something. Regulos has done his best to keep this hush-hush, but if we know about it, one of those Planarchs does as well. You just need to find the right one and take the knowledge from them. Good luck, [%NAME].


Thank you, [%NAME]. I know this task I set before you has not been an easy one, but I knew only one of your ability could stand a chance of succeeding. You may yet save us all. This missive is coded, but I should have little trouble deciphering it.

MarshallB - 8 лет назад
I found the drop rate for the Coded Missive rather low. I think it took 6 GH-1 rifts before I got it. I soloed it as a 70 and was not mentored down when I got the drop.
Xarou - 8 лет назад

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