Nachrichten zum Thema: Sync won't run on new PC, invalid descriptor error
Beiträge: 168
Registrieren: 12.07.12
Gesendet: 12.11.16, 15:48
When I try to run Magelo Sync, I get the following message:
"The downloaded descriptor seems to be invalid, report this error and we'll fix it as soon as possible.
If it is the first time this problem occurs, try running Magelo Sync once again.
Go to and check the forums for further help."
I searched the forums and found nothing related.
Beiträge: 3
Registrieren: 01.10.13
Gesendet: 12.11.16, 15:55
Same problem.
Not sure it matters since Magelo is not getting current updates to work with the game I play (Rift) and has not been caught up in several months.
Getting fed up as a paying customer
Beiträge: 11496
Registrieren: 05.05.01
Gesendet: 12.11.16, 18:29
Hi Guys,
First off, we have granted 10 extra days to all our premium users to compensate for the downtime since we started the migration on November 1.
Regarding Magelo Sync specific issue, it's a bit weird as it works just fine on my computer and yet my laptop was showing this error as well. Easy fix is to simply uninstall Magelo Sync and re install it by downloading the updated MageloSyncSetup.exe
Once done, you should be able to sync your Rift Characters just fine.