
Bugs Verfasser Aufrufe Antworten Letzter Beitrag
Using Glyph to launch Rift, Magelo will not sync
craigm42 9571 3 26.08.15, 03:20
Von loulina 
Char sync not going well lately
Yelina 8726 5 14.08.15, 04:45
Von loulina 
No JVM Can Be Found on your System
Munchie86 9485 2 06.06.15, 00:28
Von Munchie86 
Magelo Sync Keeps Giving Errors
Mycopanther 9011 2 04.06.15, 09:21
Von loulina 
Bank Vault 2 not Syncing
bearshark 11048 2 31.05.15, 01:57
Von bearshark 
Focus bug (no image and essences not shown)
Seshatar 9381 1 11.05.15, 05:08
Von loulina 
MageloSync Crashing
finster16 9542 1 02.05.15, 17:18
Von Jelan 
Cant get Sync to ork !?
Sensemilla 9414 2 25.04.15, 12:53
Von Sensemilla 
Charcter sync
Zarko990 10513 1 25.04.15, 08:14
Von Jelan 
stat on items still show lvl 60.
Silvertail 9275 1 13.04.15, 06:24
Von loulina 
Problem Uploading Screenshots
Glodxius 9630 6 13.04.15, 05:33
Von Jelan 
No JVM could be found on your system
Morcatz 12533 4 07.04.15, 20:07
Von Rowenmagni 
Flickering Shard Page Broken
boborama 10437 1 25.03.15, 13:59
Von Jelan 
Mage soul: Stormcaller
Tethoryl 9379 2 25.03.15, 10:23
Von Jelan 
Warrior Soul Tree
BigTerj 8861 2 22.03.15, 11:30
Von Jelan