
Bugs Verfasser Aufrufe Antworten Letzter Beitrag
Known issues
loulina 25405 11 24.07.12, 08:41
Von loulina 
"No JVM could be found" error when trying to launch Magelo
loulina 13383 0 10.06.15, 06:05
Von loulina 
Sync won't run on new PC, invalid descriptor error
MarshallB 9734 2 12.11.16, 18:29
Von Jelan 
Unable to sync AND not showing my premium subscription
eqlilly 345 0 13.08.24, 06:17
Von eqlilly - 404 page not found
Fenthen 1618 1 29.04.24, 17:03
Von Fenthen 
Sorry to be repititious AND redundant :-)
Eovandall 1221 0 26.03.24, 18:19
Von Eovandall 
Synchronisation ne fonctionne toujours
jfdavid77 1251 0 04.03.24, 23:30
Von jfdavid77 
Game Slots are Full
sealnumbr4 1442 0 15.02.24, 00:13
Von sealnumbr4 
Magelo Sync not showing Rift.
RandC 1691 0 30.11.23, 20:59
Von RandC 
Magelo sync
jfdavid77 2095 0 04.09.23, 18:34
Von jfdavid77 
MageloSync64.exe ne fonctionne pas
jfdavid77 2437 0 23.05.23, 19:21
Von jfdavid77 
Unable to sync - New Install
anniemi48625 2684 1 16.02.23, 08:19
Von Jelan 
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/misc/BASE64Encoder
doublesun 6731 1 19.02.20, 14:49
Von Jelan 
Magelo Sync not found Steam Rift
stef_marius07 8836 5 09.01.20, 15:49
Von Customprofile 
Unable to sync
jwhittaker3 6687 2 20.05.19, 17:52
Von Customprofile