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Topics in forum: General Discussion Author Views Replies Last post
Harbinger title Wanbli 7226 2 11/29/15, 1:46 AM
By Helola 
items that exchange for notoriety or goods. Yokilea 7428 0 8/11/15, 9:44 PM
By Yokilea 
Runecrafting Material Gathering a13xk13m 6852 1 7/26/15, 2:54 PM
By Maetryx 
Couldn't there be a map? RiftMaster2 14130 1 7/23/15, 8:05 PM
By meroi 
Can't log into rift website azurewraith01 7145 0 7/8/15, 6:42 AM
By azurewraith01 
Builds Nivaliss 7570 0 6/18/15, 3:24 AM
By Nivaliss 
Noobinators Guild on Deepwood shard evilfangorn 7627 0 4/27/15, 7:56 PM
By evilfangorn 
Doing old 50 raid contet rouennara 7096 0 2/23/15, 4:18 AM
By rouennara 
Before I start Rift... Britva 5936 0 2/8/15, 3:45 AM
By Britva