Les Bois Meurtris à la lumière des torches

Points : 10

Zone : Étendue de Bois Meurtris

Camp :

Les Bois Meurtris à la lumière des torches

Trouver et résoudre l'énigme des Bois Meurtris.
  • Aligner les torches pour faire apparaître un chemin

Points: 10

duus1 - Il y a 10 ans
Here's a site that explains exactly how many times you'll have to click. On how to reach the location, here's a video that shows you how.
Customprofile - Il y a 9 ans
From ZAM: The puzzle is located at (3140, 4420) in Étendue de Bois Meurtris. To solve the puzzle, approach the row of pillars. Stand facing the pillars that have 6 red crystals on them, three on the left and three on the right. LEFT RIGHT 1 2 3 4 5 6 Press 4-5 in any sequence. You will get a key that opens a chest that pops nearby. Note: The puzzle can be solved at any level, but the "Sac poussiéreux" loot has a required level of 40. In case it doesn't work, find the numbers of the current state of the puzzle. I mean which torches are missing by using this picture. In the picture, it is 7, 4, 13 (the default state). Then look at the table below to find the number of times you have to click on each button (the order does not matter).
Panderasia - Il y a 8 ans
start climbing at: /setwaypoint 3280 4205 1. Left Top 2. Right Middle 3. Left Bottom 4. Right Top
AlterMind - Il y a 6 ans
If you made a mistake while typing the combination (1 4 5 2) reset the situation by hopping to another shard and carefully re-entering the tight combination.
Customprofile - Il y a 6 ans
Then you get a title called: The Light in the Dark

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