Du "Jamais vu"

Points : 15

Zone : Plaines Arides

Camp :

Grit - Il y a 5 ans
Freddik the Broken /setwaypoint 7246 5910 Enraged Scarab /setwaypoint 7576 6643 Mordant Widow /setwaypoint 8126 7230 Kragnix the Annihilator /setwaypoint 8125 6785 Glogg the Ravenous /setwaypoint 8370 7110 Forgotten Sacrifice between the two log bridges /setwaypoint 7948 6757 Hurknok /setwaypoint 8170 7050 Koglok /setwaypoint 8396 7004 Bone-Fed Ripper /setwaypoint 8920 6730 Jhomm the Cruel /setwaypoint 7970 6435

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