Ultimativer Jäger

Punkte : 50

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Ultimativer Jäger

Jagt und besiegt alle seltenen Monster, Kreaturen und Feinde Telaras.
Points: 50

Snapskali - Vor 8 Jahren
-Endless Motherbrood in Stillmoor. U have to use ur tab button to find it. Use the coords on RareMob plug-in but when u get to the coords use ur tab button to find the monster. Don't forget to check all shards. - Millsrush Moonstalker in Gloamwood don't not spawn much. Coords 4174 2939 is its exact spawn point. It is on the sw side of the Deepwood Cottage. It took me 4 days to wait for it to spawn. Hope u all have better like than that.

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