
Bugs Verfasser Aufrufe Antworten Letzter Beitrag
Some tooltip links via web-tools, not working
Shehi 10783 6 11.09.12, 06:59
Von loulina 
Sync won't open on my pc
Yelina 10633 4 21.08.12, 07:15
Von Jelan 
Media : adding an image on Chrome not working
Cwell 10086 2 09.08.12, 07:56
Von loulina 
Doesn't sync
Eckmar 9633 12 02.08.12, 07:39
Von loulina 
Magelo Sync
xabo 9313 1 02.08.12, 07:26
Von loulina 
Sync is not working
Elizabethe 9634 5 13.07.12, 14:24
Von Jelan 
Rank Names not Correct in Sig
maddbomber83 10183 5 11.07.12, 11:38
Von loulina 
Sync error on one character
Eleyo 10519 4 10.07.12, 12:15
Von Jelan 
Synchronising Problem - Cache not cleared
Cez 9502 2 13.06.12, 17:00
Von Cez 
Magelo wont update my Character
Ponunihep 9159 3 12.06.12, 14:57
Von loulina 
Magelo not updating character profile AGAIN
saeleth 10283 8 17.05.12, 18:32
Von loulina 
Minor issue with exporting PA from profile to calculator
aerisod 9459 1 04.05.12, 09:03
Von loulina 
Exporting PA from profile to calculator
aerisod 9810 5 20.04.12, 22:00
Von aerisod 
Error trying to sync up character
saeleth 9557 3 20.04.12, 07:50
Von loulina 
Magelo Not Syncing
LunaEclipse73 9667 4 19.04.12, 10:23
Von loulina